Spy Visit Review

Spy Visit Review: Your Website Statistics On STEROIDS!

Pssst! Do you want to know a secret [G5 Clearance Required]? Successful, monetized websites rely on something called web tracking to increase conversions and make more money. The gurus will rarely talk about this, even though this information isn’t classified! If you run your own site for any reason, then you are probably well-versed with the functions and features of Google Analytics. The real top-secret stuff lies beyond graphs and visitor-count data. You simply cannot get the full picture of your customer behavior with just daily visit information. How would you like to stealthily spy on those visitors and watch them traverse the pages of your site? That is where the Spy Visit tool comes in! You will see exactly what I mean in this review (you won’t want to miss a word of this). Website traffic analysis may never be the same again.

This review discusses one of my closely-kept secrets. You are about to get debriefed, so read the whole review!

Or you can Skip the review and get your hands on the Spy Visit tool NOW (7-day Free Trial included)!

Website Tracking Synopsis (Cause And Effect)

Affiliate marketing is cause and effect. You put up a site, optimize it with SEO, and visitors come and spend money. There really is no point in affiliate marketing if you aren’t making money, right? If this is all you’re thinking about, I am gonna stop you right here. For all intents and purposes, you need to STOP focusing on those sales! You can’t control the effect if you don’t focus on the cause!

This is why website statistics and tracking is so important. The majority of affiliate marketers out there are basically trying to blindly hit the ever-elusive pinata with their sites (attempting to make sales without any clue what their visitors are interested in). How much easier would it be to get that sweet candy-goodness without the blindfold? I believe the answer is, “dead-simple”…

What Is The Spy Visit Tool?

Spy Visit is a newer website analysis tool that allows you to see behind the curtain of your site. It will literally show you EXACTLY what everyone is doing on your site in easy to follow maps and sessions. Watch the video above (or click here) to see a live demonstration of the Spy Visit tool in action. It doesn’t just track your website visitors and give you a detailed view of where your visitors are coming from (Google Analytics does this), it also shows you where they go and what they do on your site.

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Here are some of the many Spy Visit capabilities:

  • Visitor mouse movements – Your back office will actually store thousands of recorded web tracksessions. They will show you the exact screen your visitor saw and where their mouse went on your screen.
  • Clicks Heat Maps – Ever wonder which elements on your blog or site get clicked on most? Well, now you do! Spy Visit will illustrate the areas on your site where people clicked the most.
  • Eye-Tracking Heat Maps – The heat map will show you hot spots of mouse movement on your site, so you can see the content they look at most. The feature is great if you are trying to visually-optimize your site.
  • Scroll Heat Maps – This feature will actually show you how quickly visitor attention is lost down the pages on your site.
  • Real-Time Reporting – The stats are updated in your back office in real-time, so you can see what your readers are doing at 4 pm and/or 4 am!
  • website statisticsCompletes your visitor profile – Spy Visit works alongside Google Analytics to give you a more accurate view of what your customers are doing on your site. If Google Analytics shows you the tip of the iceberg, Spy Visit shows you the rest of the berg beneath the water!
  • Stellar Support – I have never experienced better support for a web tool in my 7 years of experience online. I have never waited more than 12-24 hours to get a response. They are friendly, never condescending, and are willing to help with whatever problem you may be having.
  • Popular Pages – The tool will show you which of your pages are most popular. This information is useful for optimizing your content to harness your readers attention and turn it into dollars.

How Will Spy Visit Help My Business?

Surely by now you can see the value of this up-and-coming web analytics tool. It works great for people who have an established site they are ready to take that extra mile. The potential here forSpy Visit your site’s improvement is not only staggering – it is nearly ensured, assuming you track all results and take action on the golden information they provide.

It is true the data Spy Visit provides can be complicated and a tad overwhelming at first. Any useful tool I have ever used has come with a learning curve of some sort. Once I started to collect visitor data and began analyzing everything, I began to see various patterns. These patterns told me A LOT. Your readers are much more intrigued by visual elements than by your words. They don’t care about what you think! They want to know how it can help their business! In other words, they want to know how they can make more money with it. Remember above how I said the main goal for all affiliate marketers/bloggers is to make money?

The paragraph above contains some high level, top secret affiliate information. I suggest you read it several times and commit it to memory. For now, enough rambling. Below is a list of what Spy Visit can do for you and your site.

Spy Visit uses

Your site can be used for many things:

  • product reviews
  • capture and bonus pages
  • high quality content to build your brand
  • adsense earnings
  • case studies
  • and much, much more!

Spy Visit will be installed on all of these pages so you can see first hand what your visitors are interested in and what they simply gloss over without intrigue.

Recommended: Need help finding keywords for your website? Check out my Long Tail Pro review and get the best keyword research tool on the market!

My Spy Visit Bonus

I am very blessed to have found Spy Visit. I was actually approached by the makers of the tool to try it out on my site. They saw some of my reviews ranking highly and wanted me to test it outwebsite tracking for them. They gave me as much time as I wanted to give it a shot. The same day I installed it on my website, I was positively blown away. I believe that you will be blown away as well! I want to offer you some additional incentives to get Spy Visit from this very page!

Additionally to the actual tool, I will give you the following:

  • Multi-license version of Camtasia ($300) – As a marketer, I use Camtasia frequently. I want to share this with you so you can use it as well to further your business!
  • Valuable outsourcing product ($100) – This is a course that will show you how to outsource various services and turn a huge profit on a daily basis. Need money on demand? This is your ticket!
  • I will critique your site and give you some tips of how to improve it ($997) – As marketers, experience and time are some of the most valuable assets we have. I will give you both.
  • Some additional unannounced bonuses! – You will get more than listed above. These are designed to help you get over the hump and gain success!

These bonuses add up to over $1500 in value. They are only available to the first 20 people who purchase Spy Visit at the Pro level or above, so you better act fast to snatch these up! Simply forward your receipt to freedomfromfailure@gmail.com once you have purchased Spy Visit. I will send you the bonus pack within 12-24 hours!

Spy Visit Conclusion

As an affiliate marketer, I have granted you G5 clearance to some of my top secret information. Website tracking is one of the most underrated, yet powerful solutions to increase your conversions and make your efforts exponentially more efficient in the process! Spy Visit aids you in website analysis, and when combined with Google Analytics, can give you a more complete and accurate view of what your visitors come to your site for. This knowledge alone is worth its weight in gold.

I hope you have learned something in this post today. Now start tracking everything you do online! Thanks for reading and I hope to see you on the inside! Simply click the button below to get your hands on Spy Visit today!


get spy visit


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  1. Hi Jeremy,

    How do I install it on my site without messing with the codes?


    1. Hello Tony,

      All you need to do is install a plugin that will allow you to input the code into your header. Once you get Spy Visit, you’ll find a detailed video showing you the exact free plugin they recommend for this. Once you enter the code in the plugin, you just save it and it should work automatically.

      Hope this helps! If you have any additional questions, please either reply here, or email me at freedomfromfailure@gmail.com

      Happy spying!

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